So some sad news came back in August that my favourite monthly kit club was closing its doors. I was coming up to being a member for 2 years. I was a fairly committed forum chatter and checked in almost daily. It was the first place I would say that I really became attached and felt like home. The talent there was urber and so inspiring! So needless to say I was very sad to hear that it would be no more. Of course there were several ladies there, that I got to know and thanks to blogging I have been able to sneak a peak into their lives still even though it isn't through a forum. I have also followed some of them around to places where they design and tried to find a new home. As you know there are so many amazing monthly kit clubs out there, but for me there are a few things to consider. One being, if I chose one in the US then shipping is always a concern. Of course cost. One of the things I like about kit clubs in the fact that they challenge me to think outside the box and give me a sampling of product lines and items that I would not otherwise purchase. I also struggle with combining multiple companies together. A kit club does all that for me! :) And the last thing I consider is the product. Of course right? But what I mean by that is, I'm afraid I'm guilty of not only purchasing a monthly kit and I often have too much overlap in what I purchase verse what is coming in these kits, you know what I mean? Well this is the other thing that totally sold me about these kits. They also manufacture their own paper and stamps! So their kits of course feature their papers, which as far as I know I can't buy anywhere around here! I have been eyeing this particular company for quite sometime, but never looked into the costs of shipping well for one because I was already getting a kit from somewhere else right? Not that a girl can have too many kits, but I'm pretty sure hubby wouldn't feel that way! So to my delight I contacted the owner of
STUDIO CALICO and was pleasantly surprised that shipping was only $1 more then shipping within the US. This is rare! To top it off once becoming a member, I can add anything to my order from their store without increasing my shipping costs! I MEAN IS THAT FABULOUS OR WHAT????? So I took full advantage of that...actually too much advantage and ordered several additional items! This is what I'm waiting for.

I am so stoked! Although, waiting is the difficult part. Shipping always takes so long to get here. I mean ladies in the US can practically have all their supplies used up and I won't even have mine yet! Oh well, that is the price you pay I guess if you shop over the border.
Some friends and I will be getting together in a few weeks to crop together so I'm really hoping to dive into my new stuff then. Cross my fingers it gets here in time!
I also wanted to share that my scrappy room just got a small facelift! We moved everything out of the room! (I mean everything, oh what a job!) and laid laminate flooring down, yes we removed the carpet! :) No craft room should be carpeted, in my opinion! :) SO I'm happy to announce that everything has been put back together and ready for it to be messed up again (giggle) :-) Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! Thanks for stopping by!